
Arthritis Testimonials - Haraka

Haraka Testimonials

Below are some of the testimonials happy customers have sent through to us.

Improvements within 7 days

Deneen and I are very excited about Haraka!

My pain was so bad that I could hardly walk when I would get up in the morning. I started feeling the improvement within 7 days in my legs, knees and thighs.

After 3 weeks there was an improvement in my hands.
It is a great product!

Best regards,
Brian Botha

Obtaining Haraka in the UK

Good Afternoon

My mother who is in her 90s speaks highly of Haraka. She takes it for arthritic knee pain and says it has made such a difference to her levels of pain.

I have an arthritic hip and would love to obtain some, please!

Is it available here or will you be able to post it to me, please?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Angela Morrison


Haraka has given me a new lease on life

Dear Gail,

I cannot begin to tell you how much Haraka has given me a new lease on life.

After listening to your presentation and hearing how you and your team researched the compatibility of Haraka with other medications that many of us take, I decided to give them a try, mainly because of the herbal content.

After a week i was walking without arthritic pain and walking has again become a joy – with my dogs,Hurrah for Haraka !

Thank you again.

Janet Bujok, Randburg

Helping me get off the couch easier

My dear Gail,

You gave us a wonderful talk at The Village a short while ago.
I purchased Haraka and instead of taking one three times a day, I took two. However, I’m still here, so no harm done!
It is doing me a lot of good. I can get off the couch so much easier and even went on my hands this morning to pick something off the floor which rolled under a vanity slab.

I’m so pleased that you introduced me to this product.

I might even end up doing the “Can-can”.

Wishing you all the best and thank you.

Julia Ritchie, The Village Retirement Village

Cycling again and back at the gym

Dear Gail,

After using Haraka for only a month, I found my need for painkillers decreased considerably.

Within 3 months of taking Haraka, I am cycling again and back at gym. It’s so great to feel comfortable and flexible again!

Thank you for introducing me to Haraka.

Kindest regards,

Noreen de Jager (Matron), Summerfield Retirement Village (M.H.A)

Wholeheartedly recommend Haraka to people of any age

Hi Gail,

I am most impressed and would like to congratulate you on your superior product and here is why:

  1. As I am a graphic designer who works up to 20-hours a day on my laptop, I started to get
    severe aches in my right hand, controlling the mouse and my hand which became extremely
    painful. I realised that it must be the onset of arthritis in my hands and seeing that I am already 57 years of age and spent 35+ years sitting and working behind my computer. I tried all the rub-on product on the market but to no avail.
  2. After hearing about Haraka from a friend, I tried your capsules somewhat sceptically, but was I pleasantly surprised! Seeing that I am a person who does not like taking pills or medication, I started taking only one capsule a day instead of the 3-a-day as recommended and guess what, the ache disappeared within a few days after using your amazing product.
  3. The second ailment which suddenly popped up while I was mowing the lawn was a burning ache in my left big toe. (Old age is really not funny!) “What, gout, surely not me?” I thought. After reading more on your website, I realised that I should try Haraka for that too.
    I felt that I should now move up to a 2-capsules-a-day intake if I wanted a better result. Now that is indeed the second thing that really surprised me, as I was already feeling so much better and the prickly-pear thorny feeling in my big toe disappeared completely after only
    two thirds of the recommended daily dosage.
  4. Deep down I know that I should really take the full recommended dosage if I wanted to use Haraka as preventative maintenance going forward, but I am me and that is still a ‘work-in-progress’.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Haraka to people of any age suffering from symptoms of arthritis or gout, and no, you are never too young to do preventative maintenance. Don’t get to my age and learn the hard way.

Thank you for a superb product, Gail, you are the best!
Kind regards,

Phillip Kruger, Parys

Evergreen Lifestyle

Arthritis Talks Testimonials

Gail also visits various retirement homes and estates in order to teach people the truths about arthritis. Below are some testimonials from these talks.

Haraka is the ONLY medication that gives me arthritis relief

“Haraka is the ONLY medication that gives me relief! We do not have a medical aid and there is no way I could afford my medicine on my own. Now that I can get Haraka, it has given me my life back. I’ve gone from 3 – 4 days of painful joints a week, to my last really painful episodes being a week ago. Good Rx truly is a Godsend!”

This is only one of the comments I received from one of my residents a few days ago following your visit and talk on arthritis and Haraka.

Our residents enjoyed your talk very much, saying it was an eye-opener, as most of them have been plagued by joint pain for a long time and many are on prescribed medication, but have never been given all the information as they would have liked.

One lady told me she can now go to war, as she knows where the enemy is at.

We are very grateful for your talk and would very much like to invite you again at some stage to come in and do another.
I will be in contact with you and give you possible dates.

Marius Grobler, Unit Manager, Evergreen Lifestyle – Broadacres

Haraka is the ONLY medication that gives me arthritis relief

Dear Gail,

On behalf of the Entertainment Committee of Golden Harvest 1, we sincerely thank you for an exceptionally interesting and inspiring talk on the subject of Arthritis. We had a fantastic turnout, which proves that 90% of our Village suffer from Arthritis.

From your opening talk, you hit the nail right on the head by saying that you suffer from Arthritis. From then on, you had us all in the cup of your hand. Amazingly, you never once referred to any notes and as I sat there looking around the room, I was thinking if other were thinking what I was thinking, “I wonder when she is going to sit down”, but you kept going for an hour and a half and, at one stage, even standing on one leg. By then you had us all engrossed, kudos to you.

I fully support the idea of you coming back in plus minus two months’ time, which will be beneficial for both parties. Then we can have a question and answer time together whether we have:-

  1. Exercised
  2. Or those taking Haraka – has it been beneficial

Gail, once again, many thanks for your inspirational talk, hope to see you soon.

Ben Van Wyk, Entertainment Chairman, Village of Golden Harvest 1

Truly informative and interesting arthritis talk

Gail Reith came to Douglasdale Retirement Village on January 25th to give a talk on arthritis. The talk was truly informative and interesting and very well received by the over sixty residents who attended. Feedback was positive and many residents would be happy for Gail to visit again in the future.

Thank you.

Matron Jackie Farnell RN, Douglasedale Retirement Village

Arthritis talk - very interesting and informative

I would like to highly recommend Gail Reith from Haraka, who does very interesting, informative talks about Arthritis.
They are very well received and enjoyed by all, with great compliments from those attending.

Kind regards,

Nicky Grieves, Events Co-ordinator, Sandton Senior Citizens Society

Haraka delivers efficacy, potency, safety and affordability

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